IU School of Medicine Student Portal



To acquaint the student with the orthopaedic examination of the newborn, infant and adolescent; to learn to distinguish between normal growth and development and the abnormal; to learn the principles of evaluation, diagnosis and treatment for a variety of congenital and developmental pediatric orthopedic problems. Library time is essential for detailed study of specific case histories and preparation of reports. There will also be ample opportunity to spend time in the operating room if the student desires. Goal: Exposure to pediatric orthopaedics to develop skill in evaluating and treating children's musculoskeletal problems.

Elective Details:

Primary Contact for Add/Drops: Hollyn Mangione (hmangion@iupui.edu)

Director: Dan Drake, M.D.

Campus: Indianapolis

Location: Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health (Indianapolis)

Learning Objectives

  • 1) Perform a thorough musculoskeletal exam of the infant, child and adolescent (PC1)
  • 2) Recognize, diagnose and treat the most common orthopaedic pathologies (PC2)
  • 3) Be comfortable assisting in the operating room (PC4)


  • Clinical Performance Evaluation Form; (The students level of knowledge, ability to apply new knowledge, and how well they function within the clinical setting will be the grading parameters).

Enrollment Information

Prerequisites: 3rd or 4th year status

Availability with Max Students per Month:


Duty Hours: 50

Time Distribution: 85% Clinical; 5% Lecture/Seminar; 10% Library

Elective Type Category: CP - Clinical Practice

Notes and Enrollment Information:

Add/Drop Contact Person: Hollyn Mangione (hmangion@iupui.edu)

Third Year Elective? Yes

Interprofessional Skills and Service Learning

Interprofessional Collaborative Skills: None

Service Learning Included: None